This exhilarating expedition takes you to the most scenic parts of Barbados on a guided on and off-road tour. Dubbed our most popular tour, you will certainly understand why when you hop on board!
Join knowledgeable guides on a regenerative journey through diverse trails that highlight the reserve's remarkable transformation from a sand quarry to a thriving hub of biodiversity. Immerse yourself in nature, uncover its wonders, and soak up the stunning views of Barbados' picturesque east coast.
This tour is double the fun in half of the time! Designed as a half-day all-round adventure, we have conjured up suitable itineraries which offer all the adventure in a slightly shorter 4x4 experience to get you back in time for an afternoon nap!
Change the text to Discover – and – play with this two-in-one excursion. Take on the Caribbean’s largest obstacle course and enjoy the Signature tram tour of Harrison’s Cave.
An Escapade that includes a 14-element challenge course, multiple zipline experiences at heights over 100ft., the beautiful nature trail, Harrison’s Cave tram tour, and an iconic rum tour
Thrills and more thrills… Monkey Zipline, Gully Challenge Course, Nature Trail, and Mount Gay Rum Experience.
Another exciting combination for your enjoyment. Monkey Zipline, Nature Trail, and Mount Gay Rum Experience
Time to play and have fun at Harrison’s Cave Eco-Adventure Park experiencing the MonkeyZipline Adventure.
A great three-in-one tour. Harrison’s Cave Nature Trail, Harrisons Cave Signature Tram Tour, and Mount Gay Rum Experience all in one location.
Everything a bus tour isn't... This electric peddle-assisted bike adventure features highlights such as St John's Parish Church, Hackleton's Cliff, Scotland District, Chimbarazo in St Joseph and much more
Enjoy an unparalleled underground experience as you journey through Harrison’s Cave by tram! Enjoy the sights and sounds of running streams and waterfalls while under the knowledgeable care of our expert tour guides!